Guidelines, handbooks and training curricula for professional volunteering
All of the projects have been funded with support from the European Commission. The following publications reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Our guidelines, handbooks and curricula are for private use only! It is not allowed to copy or display for redistribution the results to third parties or for commercial purposes. To copy or download these materials or using it for profit, you need the written consent of Gemeinsam leben & lernen in Europa or another partner of the ProVol consortium. Also the usage of text passages and graphics needs the written consent of the partners. The right of usage stays with us.
ProVol Digital
Digitalisation in volunteer work
IO 1 includes a general training for organisations and associations covering the basics of digital work. The partners present a toolbox containing 80 useful digital tools. Related reports, policy papers and guidelines show why change is necessary and what the opportunities of digitalisation are.
Research Report "Digitalization in volunteering: trends – practical examples – effects"
In English In German In Czech In Romanian
Policy Paper and recommendations: "Values, attitudes and working principles in the digital world: How can "analog" values, attitudes, and working principles be found in digital volunteer management?
In English In German In Czech In Romanian
Toolbox "Good digital tools"
In English In German In Czech In Romanian
Report "Pedagogical methods of digital work"
In English In German In Czech In Romanian
Guideline "Possibilities and limitations of adapting offline activities to digital sphere: Practical tips for the transformation process" plus translation
In English In German In Czech In Romanian
Digital volunteer management
Through the project “ProVol Digital- Professional volunteer management and training through digitalisation” we are offering this recommendation guide for NGOs and volunteer coordinators to stay up to date. The aim of this guide is to equip NGOs and volunteer coordinators with digital expertise and to adapt their skills in dealing with technology to the current standards. Through this tool we want to inspire and empower other organisations to enter the digital sphere as well.
Guidline "Recommendations on digital volunteer management"
Digital volunteering
A lot of people would be interested in volunteering, but are not as flexible or mobile to participate in the common volunteer “offline” face-to-face opportunities (e.g. because of working hours, being immobile, living on the country side …). Virtual volunteering opportunities can empower them to volunteer regardless of these limitations.
Handbook for volunteer coordinators
In English In German In Czech In Romanian
Booklet for volunteers
In English In German In Czech In Romanian
Online training for volunteer coordinators
As part of ProVol Digital, we digitised our existing training. ProVol is now available as a 10-module online training!
- Module: Introductionon to Volunteering Module
- Module: Aims and Objectives, Roles
- Module: Project and Time Management
- Module: Communication Module
- Module: People Management
- Module: Public Relations
- Module: Event Management
- Module: Networking
- Module: Legal Issues
- Module: Finances and Fundraising
ProVol Handbook (Preview)
In English In German In German (Austrian Version) In Czech In Romanian
Please note: this is a preview of the handbooks the participants of the ProVol training will receive.
Powerpoint presentations, learning materials and session plans
The training content is for ProVol participants and trainers, so it won't be published on the website.
If you are interested in participating in a training, contact one of our partner organisations. You can find their contact details here.
Within the ProVol network, we also train new trainers. Find out how to become a ProVol trainer here.
ProVol Franchise System
How to become a trainer - Information for interested trainers
In English In German In Czech In Romanian
How to become a ProVol partner - Information for interested NGOs
IMProVe 2.0
Acquisition, training and support of voluntary “Inclusion Buddies”
Inclusion buddies are volunteers who accompany people with disabilities in their volunteering well and safely, that people with disabilities feel taken care of, recognized and valued because they can make a meaningful contribution to society. For the acquisition, training and support of the inclusion buddies, several materials are available:
In English In Czech In German In Italian In Lithuanian
Promotion of inclusive volunteering in volunteers involving organisations
Promotion tools, trainings and support structure for disability facilities, caretakers and parents of people with disabilities
Promotion tools, training and support structure for enhancing volunteering of people with disabilities
IMProVe 1.0
E-Book "Volunteer organizations' input on community education"
Our E-Book with an input about community education, practical tips on implementation of community education in local communities, the role and success factors of volunteer/neighbourhood/intercultural
centers as important providers of community education as well as a good practice collection of learning and training programs offered by the involved partners.
The E-Book is available in English, in Romanian, and in German.
Collection of good practices
Or collection of good practices presents 12 inspiring commuity projects in Germany, Finland, the Czech Republic, Romania and Austria.
The collection of good practices is available in English.
E-Book "Volunteer organization's input on community education"
Our Ebook is a practical guide to community education. It covers how to start and fund Community education programs, the importance of volunteer and neighborhood centers, and the key factors for successful projects. You’ll find tips for implementing community education, learn how to recognize the value of volunteer-led organizations, and discover ways to promote community education locally and across Europe. The eBook also includes a collection of successful programs to inspire other NGOs.
The E-Book is available
Pro Vol & ProVol Crossborder
In this section you will find the ProVol curricula which were developed in our first international partnershops “ProVol” and “ProVol Crossborder”. There are several versions:
- Training curriculum for volunteer coordinators
- Training curriculum for volunteers
- Training curriculum in easy language
The training consists of 10 modules:
- Module: Introductionon to Volunteering Module
- Module: Aims and Objectives, Roles
- Module: Project and Time Management
- Module: Communication Module
- Module: People Management
- Module: Public Relations
- Module: Event Management
- Module: Networking
- Module: Finances, Fundraising and Taxation
- Module: Legal Issues
In 2023, the training content was updated and digitised as part of the “ProVol Digital” project. You can find out more about the updated training version here.
Curriculum for volunteer coordinators
Curriculum for volunteer coordinators
European version in English UK version in English
German version in German Austrian version in German
Curriculum for volunteers
Curriculum in easy language
ProVol Curriculum in Easy Language