About the project
Project number: 2018-1-CZ01-KA204-048024
Duration: 01.09.2018 – 31.12.2020
Funding program: Erasmus+ KA204 – Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Voluntary work is important both for our society and for individuals. Participation in such can enrich a life through social integration and the development of personal skills, but people with disabilities have often been excluded from this. The IMProVE project stands for inclusion and equality and is intended to enable people with disabilities to enter voluntary work. To implement the goal of inclusive volunteering, support structures are being developed to enable people with disabilities to access advice and training. Information events and counseling for parents and caregivers will improve skills and thus facilitate the path to volunteerism. Another goal is to change the public perception of people with disabilities. Everyone, regardless of age, culture, gender, sexual orientation, origin, religion or disability can make a contribution to our society and play an active role.
The transnational partnership aimed to create an inclusive volunteering environment for people with disabilities or limitations, i.e. to enable everyone to volunteer.
Project Results
E-Book "Volunteer organizations' input on community education"
Our E-Book with an input about community education, practical tips on implementation of community education in local communities, the role and success factors of volunteer/neighbourhood/intercultural
centers as important providers of community education as well as a good practice collection of learning and training programs offered by the involved partners.
The E-Book is available in English, in Romanian, and in German.
Collection of good practices
Or collection of good practices presents 12 inspiring commuity projects in Germany, Finland, the Czech Republic, Romania and Austria.
The collection of good practices is available in English.
Tips for implementing inclusive volunteering
Voices of Volunteers
About the partnership
“IMProVE” was a transnational project between Germany, the Czech Republic, Portugal and Austria and was funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the EU.
The partnership, coordinated by the German NGO Gemeinsam leben & lernen in Europa e.V., aimed to identify ways, methods and strategies to improve the participation of people with disabilities in volunteering activities and to create an inclusive environment for volunteering through the exchange of experiences across Europe.
The partners wanted to share their different experiences and learn about each other’s environments, ways of thinking and working. The partners met four times to share their ideas, expertise and methods on the common themes. In addition, during each of the four transnational visits, each partner will offer as input a short training session for the other partners based on their unique expertise.

Gemeinsam leben & lernen in Europa e.V.
Leopoldstraße 9
D- 94032 Passau

Dobrovolnické centrum
Prokopa Diviše 1605/5
400 01 Ústí nad Labem
Czech Republic
+420 606 512 905

CERCIOEIRAS (Cooperative Education and Rehabilitation of Citizens with Disabilities)
Rua 7 de Junho nº57,
2730-174 Barcarena – Portugal
(+351) 214239680

atempo Betriebsgesellschaft gmbH
Heinrichstraße 145
8010 Graz
(+43) 316 81 47 16 0