About the project
Community education promotes learning and social development work with individuals and groups in their communities using a range of formal and informal methods. Community education is significant for local social, economic, cultural, environmental and political development.
Volunteer centers, intercultural centers as well as neighborhood centers are important providers of community education in a local context. In dialogue with their communities and participants they develop non-formal education and training opportunities as well as a variety of volunteer programs and activities. Through these learning, training and volunteer activities they support the capacity building of individuals and groups of all ages and backgrounds and improve their ability to participate in democratic processes. As their scope is much broader and less formal than educational institutions such as schools, colleges and universities, they reach large sections of the population, and therefore are taking out learning and development opportunities to socio-economically disadvantaged individuals and poorer areas within their communities.
Within this project the involved partner organizations want to explore community education approach practiced by volunteer centers, intercultural centers as well as neighborhood centers, and want to exchange their expertise in providing non-formal learning and training opportunities for their communities. The result of the project will be an E-Book with an input about community education, practical tips on implementation of community education in local communities, the role and success factors of volunteer/neighbourhood/intercultural centers as important providers of community education as well as a good practice collection of learning and training programs offered by the involved partners.
Project Results
Each partner organization hosted a transnational visit for 2-3 days and gave partners an inside about the practical implementation of their community education approach, as well as “taster” sessions of their existing learning and training programs for volunteers. They described their methods, approaches and activities in a given format.
Partners collected all the inputs and good practices of all partners and produced a joint E-Book “Volunteer Organizations‘ Input to Community Education”.
E-Book "Volunteer organization's input on community education"
Our Ebook is a practical guide to community education. It covers how to start and fund Community education programs, the importance of volunteer and neighborhood centers, and the key factors for successful projects. You’ll find tips for implementing community education, learn how to recognize the value of volunteer-led organizations, and discover ways to promote community education locally and across Europe. The eBook also includes a collection of successful programs to inspire other NGOs.
The E-Book is available
About the partnership
“VOICE” was a transnational project between Austria, Czech Republic Finland, Germany, Hungary and Romania. It was funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the EU.

Gemeinsam leben & lernen in Europa e.V.
Leopoldstraße 9
D- 94032 Passau

Mezigenerační a dobrovolnické centrum TOTEM, z.s.
Kaznějovská 1517/51, 323 00 Plzeň
(+420) 377 260 425

Kuopio Settlement Puijola ry
Puistokatu 14-16, 3. krs
70110 Kuopio
puh. 050 554 8877

Centrul de Voluntariat Cluj-Napoca
Strada Virgil Fulicea
Nr 1, cod 400022
+40 264 431 411

Stadtlabor Graz
Griesgasse 40, 8020 Graz
(+43) 316 22 89 46

Marom Klub Egyesület
1431, Budapest, Postafiók 195.